Associate Prof. | William Wulf Faculty Fellow | UVA Computer Science | CV | Contact |
PhD (Rice ‘14); MS/BS (‘08/’06 Tsinghua). Grew up in a small midwestern town in China. Before UVA, six great years at Purdue.
A guided journey starting from bare-metal hardware to a fully functional OS capable of running multiple applications, including Mario and DOOM, on a multicore processor.
Prof. Yangfeng Ji and I organized the 1st LLM workshop at UVA.
(Recent projects) algo x sys x hw for:
I led a group of graduate/undergraduate students who are execited by building cool software stuffs.
See our group page for current students and projects.
Virginia is for lovers!
The UVA campus at sunset, with Blue Ridge mountains in the back. Credit: UVA.
Efforts on refreshing OS education (UVA CS4414/CS6456). Principles: experience-based, with modern contents, and fun. Summary: four projects including an Arm64 baremetal kernel, multicore, trusted execution, and filesystem forensics.
The first offering in Fall’20 as CS6456. Well received! Materials; student feedbacks; schedule
I care about systems software. I work with a group of students with enthusiasm in systems software. See XSEL.
Our current work bases on two premises:
My PhD work was on OS kernels for smartphones, e.g. the K2 project which won an award in ASPLOS’14. I continue to care about mobile/wearables, e.g. deep learning on them (WWW’19 & MobiCom’18).
Need a reference letter from me? | How do I determine final grades for undergrad classes? | How do we work with undergrads in research? | To signature requesters | Name in Chinese
We are one-hour from the gorgeous Shenandoah national park. Unlimited outdoor fun. Photo: